Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Podcasting potential

Now this one I can see great potential for. How great to have your ipod in your pocket or (if your velcro is not wrecked like mine)nice little arm- carrying pouch and to be able to tune in to that work meeting you missed, while driving along in the car, out walking or (only in dire circumstances) in the bath!! Think of all our guest speakers in the library and how our public could tune in after the event if we let them have access to the podcast, vodcast, libcast or whatever we might call it. That said, we don't want to deter patrons from coming to the live event but nice to know they can catch our author visits or VIP speaker when they cannot attend in person. I liked the 60 minute science podcast. For someone like me for whom time is of the essence, speedy but interesting casts like the one I tuned into on this lesson give enough to act as an appetiser and have you wanting more. Thats how I like my information! Would very much like to be able to tune into radio programmes from the old country via the same method. Multi-tasking methods in the modern age...


  1. I agree! Little bite sized snippets of information to keep the old grey cells ticking over are ideal and podcasts are the perfect platform.
    Being able to offer podcasts and vidcasts of guest speakers at the library to housebound clients would help reduce isolation and increase library use, be it in a nontraditional way.

  2. That's exactly what I blogged - recording our guest authors in podcast format...Nice thinking :-D

  3. Everyone is on the same wave-length! How often does that happen? Podcasting could also be an excellent way to record and archive library events for future generations.
