Wednesday, 4 May 2011


I suppose the success of facebook is down to the willingness of members to contribute and participate. within a workplace it could be a good way of sharing information of a work nature but I think because of its casual chatty image is it likely to get full of less serious comments, quips, etc. From a networking point of view, particularly within in a large workplace it would have its uses for keeping employees linked to each other and the organisation. Having a presence on Facebook is certainly a must for every company and organisation which needs to keep in with its public. To paraphrase Michael Troiano of Holland-Mark (from the first introduction to Social Networking on today's lesson) it might be the best way to reach those who are reluctant library goers as well as to reach those influential customers who can spread the word for us.


  1. Well written Tina - that all makes sense

  2. This is my final comment for week 10 and I'm all finished ...yippeeeeee!

  3. Yeah, I'm not so sure how Fb is going to work with patrons ... We'll definitely need a Fb monitor to keep our patrons in line!!!
