Wednesday, 30 March 2011

RSS Feeds

Really Simple huh?! This has taken me a bit of time but I am now hoping I have my five feeds safely in my subscription box or wherever they are supposed to be. It's already information overload and I thought I had enough to do in deleting all my emails!!
What did I subscribe to and why?
The Irish Times newspaper of course to keep me in touch with the happenings back in the old sod.
Mandurah Sustainable home - to prove I have green interests other than blarney and shamrocks and the like.
Unshelved - because I need a little reminder that I am supposed to be doing this for work!
Domain - houses again. This time ones for sale and of course I am not browsing them in my work time, Teena - far too busy tending my wounds inflicted by a male member of staff who shall remain nameless (let's call him 'Troy' for the sake of this blog) keeps mocking my technophobia!
Perth Now - in case I miss out on any local stories while busy doing my Web 2.0 training.

Is that it? Yes, if used correctly this could save a lot of trawling for what I really want but will probably need a fair bit of pruning in itself. See Teena there's probably a limit on how long a blog can be and now I'm getting carried away...


  1. A very public way to get me back!

  2. Excellent point! Having too many feeds can be be...DISASTROUS (as I have found out by subscribing to a few-too-many popstars...)
