Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Learning 2.0

Think the Learning 2.0 is a great programme (so far!) and challenging to the mind set.  Unfortunately its all to easy in our busy lives to say I don't know how to do something  rather than I could learn how to do that.  I am looking forward to being able to join in the conversations with family members who are technologically savvy!  T


  1. It amazes me at how far you slip behind when you don't try to keep up. As you say, easy to say I don't know how. I notice in airports, on trains and in cafes around the world the young children (7 yo),who are all using facebook as if it is part of daily life. Younger children who instead of being handed Mum's keys to amuse themselves are being given smartphone things to take photos and play online games. I wonder what the future will be like. J

  2. I agree with librariesforlife when she says it's all too easy to say I don't know how. I'm afraid I'm not great with computers (most of my time in the library is spent either on desk or covering books! so don't use one very often). Still I'm going to try and become more computer savvy, don't know how successful I'll be - can you teach an old dog new tricks?
