Wednesday, 30 March 2011

RSS Feeds

Really Simple huh?! This has taken me a bit of time but I am now hoping I have my five feeds safely in my subscription box or wherever they are supposed to be. It's already information overload and I thought I had enough to do in deleting all my emails!!
What did I subscribe to and why?
The Irish Times newspaper of course to keep me in touch with the happenings back in the old sod.
Mandurah Sustainable home - to prove I have green interests other than blarney and shamrocks and the like.
Unshelved - because I need a little reminder that I am supposed to be doing this for work!
Domain - houses again. This time ones for sale and of course I am not browsing them in my work time, Teena - far too busy tending my wounds inflicted by a male member of staff who shall remain nameless (let's call him 'Troy' for the sake of this blog) keeps mocking my technophobia!
Perth Now - in case I miss out on any local stories while busy doing my Web 2.0 training.

Is that it? Yes, if used correctly this could save a lot of trawling for what I really want but will probably need a fair bit of pruning in itself. See Teena there's probably a limit on how long a blog can be and now I'm getting carried away...

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Happy St Patrick's Day

For some reason I cannot seem to upload a photo to this blog from FLickr. Just keeps telling me it does not know the url or the link so here's the link copied and pasted and well done if you do make a photo out of it!
Just doing a little sharing of St Patrick's Breastplate of more commonly known as an Irish blessing:
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always on your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rain fall soft upon your fields
and til we meet again may God hold you
in the palm of his hand.

La Fheile Padraid daoibh go lear!
(Happy St Patrick's Day to you all)

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Learning 2.0

Think the Learning 2.0 is a great programme (so far!) and challenging to the mind set.  Unfortunately its all to easy in our busy lives to say I don't know how to do something  rather than I could learn how to do that.  I am looking forward to being able to join in the conversations with family members who are technologically savvy!  T